We provide Asian institutions and
individuals with profitable and
sustainable carbon solutions
We develop profitable carbon
credit ecosystem, from Asia to Asia
Asia contributes 53% of the world’s annual carbon emissions, making Asia the largest market for carbon solution to meet Paris Agreement target.
Carbon Offset Asia is a startup that develops high quality carbon projects, and provides carbon offset for companies and individuals based in Asia. In essence, we connect the supply and demand for carbon solution in Asia.
Through our work, we enable corporations, institutions, and individuals to guide and deliver their profitability and sustainability goals.

Our mission is to support businesses, governments, and individuals to achieve their sustainability and profitability goals through our Asian carbon ecosystem
Providing the highest quality solution
from new and existing world
class carbon projects
Partnering with local partner in Asia
to support community and
preserving biodiversity
Engineering profitability &
sustainability goals for different
Enabling financial well-being
through sustainable solution
For carbon
positive clients
For carbon negative clients
Advisory on
Profitable Sustainability Solution
For carbon positive clients
We help our clients understand the environmental impact of their activities, and develop roadmap to reduce or offset their carbon emissions.
For carbon negative clients
We help our clients understand the economic potential of their carbon offset, and develop roadmap to capitalize their carbon offset potential
Implementation of
Profitable Sustainability Solution
For carbon positive clients
We help our clients execute their roadmap to reduce or offset their carbon emissions.
For carbon negative clients
We help our clients execute their roadmap to capitalize their carbon offset potential.

We look forward to work with you in planning for and executing profitable and sustainable carbon solutions.